Saturday, November 24, 2012

Fishbein leaving Wallingford’s fireworks fundraising committee

As published in the Record Journal, Saturday November 24, 2012

By Russell Blair
Record-Journal staff
(203) 317-2225

WALLINGFORD - Republican Town Councilor Craig Fishbein is stepping down from the Wallingford Fireworks Fund, the non-profit he and Democratic Councilor Jason Zandri founded in 2010 to raise money for the town’s annual Fourth of July fireworks celebration after it was scrapped from the town’s budget.

In an e-mail to Zandri on Sunday, Fishbein said he had grown too busy to continue in his capacity as vice president and secretary of the fund.

“As you are already aware, in the recent past, I have been unable, due to various personal and professional commitments, to be involved in the fundraising as much as I would have liked,” he wrote. “However, I do not believe it to be fair to you that I continue to bask in the spotlight that your hard work and sacrifice continue to create. Accordingly, it is with saddened heart, and much respect that I find that I must tender my resignation.”

Zandri, who is considering a 2013 mayoral run, has been busy too, but said he still wants to head up next year’s fundraising effort. He plans to hold a kickoff meeting in January with fundraising beginning in March.

“I want to continue to maintain this thing,” Zandri said.

This year the fund received about $30,000 in donations, with $15,000 coming from Gale Development Services, which owns the Campus at Greenhill, an office complex at the corner of Route 68 and Leigus Road.

Fishbein said he would assist Zandri in bringing on anew partner and help out with fundraising when he has the time.

“I will, of course, assist in a smooth transition to whomever you allow the good fortune to join with you in this continued quest and, I will also, from time to time, be available to lend my hand(s) to assist in fundraising,” he wrote.

Fishbein joined Zandri soon after he announced the fundraising effort in 2010, when the council didn’t make a motion to add funding for the fireworks show.

“As soon as it started, he called me right away,” Zandri said.

Zandri said he asked Fishbein for a public letter so people wouldn’t speculate on the reasons for his departure, like political differences had come between the two.

“It wasn’t for a lack of desire,” Zandri said. “He’s just been so tight on time he hasn’t been able to do as much as he would have liked.”

Anybody interested in joining the fundraising effort can contact Zandri at The group hopes to collect $35,000 for next year’s fireworks show.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Craig C. Fishbein steps down from the Wallingford Fireworks Fund

From: Craig C. Fishbein []
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2012 8:04 PM
To: Jason Zandri
Subject: Wallingford Fireworks

It seems like only yesterday that we joined together in a bipartisan fashion with the collective goal of preserving Wallingford's annual Independence Day fireworks event.  Over these almost three years some amazing things have happened to provide for these shows, not the least of which being your undying dedication and ever present enthusiasm toward making all of the the fundraising efforts, no matter the size, a resounding success. 

As you are already aware, in the recent past, I have been unable, due to various personal and professional commitments, to be involved in the fundraising as much as I would have liked.  Nonetheless, you have shouldered on, doing a yeoman's job of making sure that this patriotic, wholesome and extremely well attended, community celebration endures.   

However, I do not believe it to be fair to you that I continue to bask in the spotlight that your hard work and sacrifice continue to create.  Accordingly, it is with saddened heart, and much respect that I find that I must tender my resignation as Vice-President and Secretary of the Wallingford Fireworks Fund, Inc. effective this date. 

I will, of course, assist in a smooth transition to whomever you allow the good fortune to join with you in this continued quest and, I will also, from time to time, be available to lend my hand(s) to assist in fundraising.

I wish you well, and Godspeed in your endeavors for funding of the 2013 show.

Very truly yours,

Craig Fishbein

Craig C. Fishbein, Esq.
Fishbein Law Firm, LLC
100 South Main Street
PO Box 363
Wallingford, CT 06492
Phone (203)265-2895
Fax (203)294-1396

Friday, October 5, 2012

26th Annual CELEBRATE WALLINGFORD is this weekend

Quick note – I will be there this weekend, weather permitting – Sunday may be up in the air. I will be collecting donations for the Wallingford Fireworks Fund. Hope to see you there


As published in the supplement to the Record Journal on Friday October 5, 2012

By Elizabeth Landow , Executive Director, Wallingford Center Inc.

Once again, it is time for CELEBRATE WALLINGFORD!! The first weekend in October marks the biggest event of the year. It is the time of the year that we can truly appreciate this wonderful town we live in!

After five years in our Hall Street location, we are excited to be holding the event up at the South and North Main Streets location.

This is a wonderful opportunity to 'taste' the specialties of many of Wallingford's finest restaurants and recognize the civic and non-profit organizations that help make this town what it is! Please stop by and admire the handicraft of the many participating crafters and be sure to check out the businesses that are participating this year – there are several new local entrepreneurs who have decided to showcase their businesses at the festival.

For the fourth year, we will be hosting a Homemade pie contest – the judges can't wait to taste the wonderful entries this year and as always we have a delightful selection of music scheduled to entertain you.

WCI is thrilled once again to join forces with the Health Department and the Wallingford Family YMCA to present the 3rd Annual Activate Wallingford Health Walk and we are happy to announce that theca will be hosting a 'Fitness Fun Zone', in the Holy Trinity School parking lot. Please stop by to see what all the excitement is about!

A new addition this year is the 'New' Car Show!! Several of Wallingford's car dealers will be displaying the exciting new models of cars in the parking lot behind Simpson Court.

Another exciting feature this year is the 'Harvest Fair' down at the gazebo – please walk down to the railroad station green where you can find several of the local farmers selling pumpkins, mums and all sorts of things to get you into the Autumn mood and along the way be sure to stop by the local stores and shop a bit and pay special attention to the youth groups that will have a tent on the sidewalks – these kids will be showcasing their organizations and selling their fundraisers.

And last but not least – please walk through the Cemetery and view the wonderful artwork done by area adults and children and organized by Easel Works and take a moment to admire the beautiful Cemetery that is so well – maintained and is a truly a treasured part of Wallingford's history.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Wallingford Center, Inc., I would like to thank our major sponsors, Stop & Shop, Mid-State Medical and Ferguson &McGuire As well as our other sponsors: Nucor, John J. Kovacs Insurance and Plunske's Garage for their continued support to Celebrate Wallingford. WCI is fortunate to have the support of Mayor Dickinson and the town officials. If not for the help of our volunteers and dedicated town employees this event would not be possible. On a personal note – I would like to thanks all the WCI Board members who selflessly dedicate their time and energy to do whatever is needed to make this a successful event year after year.

Please come down and spend the day with us and CELEBRATE WALLINGFORD!!

Friday, August 10, 2012


Hey Gang just a quick reminder that the Wallingford Fireworks Fund is going to set up a booth to collections for the 2013 event at THE ORIGINAL WALLYPALOOZA FESTIVAL SUNDAY AUGUST 12th, at the PNA Park in Wallingford CT

Here are all the details from their Facebook event page

Hope to see you there



LOVE MUSIC AND GOOD TIMES WITH FRIENDS AND FRIENDS??TIRED OF THE BAR SCENE??? A $10 donation will get you a great day outdoors full of of music, OVER 10 GREAT BANDS (stay tuned for confirmed list and times) and 4 ACOUSTIC ACTS! Fun, activities, vendors and food available for purchase at our food court.

This year the proceeds will benefit a very special new 501c3 non-profit organization founded here in Wallingford, Concerts With Causes, Inc.. Their mission is to use music to present events to raise money & awareness for local charities. They have raised money for Paul Newan's Hole in the Wall Gang Camp for Kids and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This season, the charity they are raising money for is the "Friends of Fisher House" you can learn all about CWC and their charities at: www.ConcertsWithCauses.Org

Come enjoy a full day of spectacular music and family fun. Play horseshoes and volleyball, bring frisbees, kites, and more... the more people that show up the more we can help charities that are working hard to improve our health, and make our local community become a better place to live. Bring your blankets, chairs, sunscreen and ENJOY!!! Gates open at 10:30AM!! .. SEE YA THERE! SUNDAY Aug. 12th RAIN OR SHINE ;-)

Newly added fun to Wallypalooza this year!!

A head shaving tent....sponsored by Bellisima Salon in Wallingford.
Wccc's Mattly Crue will be shaving his head and presenting "BALDING FOR BALLS"......with a minimum donation of $20, the beautiful Bellisima Girls will be shaving heads to raise money for a close friend of Matt's who just was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer....... There will be a prize for the the largest donation.
Advance Tickets will be available for sale July 20th at Cherry Street Station and Bellisima Salon in Wallingford.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Hey Gang – the Wallingford Fireworks Fund is going to set up a booth to collections for the 2013 event at THE ORIGINAL WALLYPALOOZA FESTIVAL SUNDAY AUGUST 12th, at the PNA Park in Wallingford CT

Here are all the details from their Facebook event page:


LOVE MUSIC AND GOOD TIMES WITH FRIENDS AND FRIENDS??TIRED OF THE BAR SCENE??? A $10 donation will get you a great day outdoors full of of music, OVER 10 GREAT BANDS (stay tuned for confirmed list and times) and 4 ACOUSTIC ACTS! Fun, activities, vendors and food available for purchase at our food court.

This year the proceeds will benefit a very special new 501c3 non-profit organization founded here in Wallingford, Concerts With Causes, Inc.. Their mission is to use music to present events to raise money & awareness for local charities. They have raised money for Paul Newan's Hole in the Wall Gang Camp for Kids and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This season, the charity they are raising money for is the "Friends of Fisher House" you can learn all about CWC and their charities at: www.ConcertsWithCauses.Org

Come enjoy a full day of spectacular music and family fun. Play horseshoes and volleyball, bring frisbees, kites, and more... the more people that show up the more we can help charities that are working hard to improve our health, and make our local community become a better place to live. Bring your blankets, chairs, sunscreen and ENJOY!!! Gates open at 10:30AM!! .. SEE YA THERE! SUNDAY Aug. 12th RAIN OR SHINE ;-)

Newly added fun to Wallypalooza this year!!

A head shaving tent....sponsored by Bellisima Salon in Wallingford.
Wccc's Mattly Crue will be shaving his head and presenting "BALDING FOR BALLS"......with a minimum donation of $20, the beautiful Bellisima Girls will be shaving heads to raise money for a close friend of Matt's who just was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer....... There will be a prize for the the largest donation.
Advance Tickets will be available for sale July 20th at Cherry Street Station and Bellisima Salon in Wallingford.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

TONIGHT - Campus at Greenhill Wallingford Fireworks Fund 2012 Independence Day Celebration

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sheehan High School



On the grounds of Sheehan High School on Hope Hill Road

The show itself starts at dusk - around 9:15 or so but plan to arrive early.

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The new weather map projections are in our favor





We are all in now; it is technically too late to cancel all the over time and The Fund would have to pay out all that money.

The weather makes or breaks us now

One last squall line projected for 8:30; so far the cards are in play


That’s the projected map for 8:30PM – about 45 minutes from show time.

If that holds and the Town doesn’t jump the gun (and with a little luck) perhaps that line get’s through.

The ground may be wet but all we need are dry skies at 9:15 to 9:30 and we can get this show off.

Time will tell.

I’m done with my yard work and I am headed to the shower and then I’ll be onsite at Sheehan.

Cross your fingers.

Rain showing on the map but nothing coming down


The forecast still shows hit or miss shows to 7:30PM at this point (and if they are like this they are “miss” so far).

30% chance of isolated storms means 70% chance of none; so far I like those odds.

The show is still on at this point - The projected weather for 6PM


Parks and Recreation has not contacted me about any cancelation so as far as I know the show is still set to go.

I’ve looked at the forecast and the Thunder Storm Watch is due to end for our area by 7PM.

The fireworks are lit off after 9:15 – well after the current Watch ends.

Until I hear anything different I presume we are a “go”

Looking at the failing line behind the last front I think things will be clear and lingering showers would be fairly light.

I am sure the ground will be wet and more lawn chair would be needed but I think we can still have the event.

The final decision is not up to me or the Fund at large so let’s hope those that make the decision are in agreement.

There is no rain date and this is the way Wallingford has always done it.

As far as I am concerned, if it’s not raining at 9:15 – light ‘em up

Friday, July 6, 2012

Rolling the dice for tomorrow with the weather…

Here’s the forecast as of right now – 60% chance of good weather and a little on the warm and humid side.

As the fundraising arm of this whole event it isn’t our call whether the show goes on or not because of inclement weather. I believe if I am not mistaken, that call is made by the Parks and Recreation Department.

Here is the deal – there is no rain date; Wallingford has never had one. When it rains the show is cancelled and it ends there for that year. Nothing about this show has really changed all that much except now we raise the funds for it privately.

If the show is called on account of the weather we are done for 2012. If it were up to me and there was make up funds available I would have a rain date. As I said – it is not up to me.

Having said that, there has to be full on persistent rain to make it so the pyrotechnics cannot be launched. Occasional passing shows do not necessarily mean the end of the show.

However, if we are going to get washed out I’d rather have it be earlier than later. You see, if the Police and Fire Departments start showing up for work they are going to get paid and the Fund, not the town, is responsible for that. I would rather take as many funds to 2013 as I could. So if we are to cancel I’d rather have it be pouring at 2PM and it never lets up so that it is a justified call.

I am not going to sweat it. We’ve beat the challenge to raise the funds each year and with a 60% chance of good weather – well, I think we’ll be fine.

See you tomorrow (with the donation bucket for 2013).  Smile


TOMORROW NIGHT - Campus at Greenhill Wallingford Fireworks Fund 2012 Independence Day Celebration

Saturday, July 7, 2012
5:00pm until 10:45pm

Sheehan High School
Wallingford, Connecticut

On the grounds of Sheehan High School beginning after 5PM (show itself starts at dusk - around 9:15 or so).

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

THIS SATURDAY - Campus at Greenhill Wallingford Fireworks Fund 2012 Independence Day Celebration

Saturday, July 7, 2012
5:00pm until 10:45pm

Sheehan High School
Wallingford, Connecticut

On the grounds of Sheehan High School beginning after 5PM (show itself starts at dusk - around 9:15 or so).

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Highland Elementary School K-Kids club raises $414.60 donation for the Campus at Greenhill Wallingford Fireworks Fund

As they did in 2011, the Highland Elementary School K-Kids club, made up of Kindergarteners, first and second graders, held a popsicle fundraiser before the end of the school year and made a donation to the Wallingford Fireworks Fund.

With this $414.60 donation that will be applied to the 2013 Fund collection efforts, the total amount raised by the Highland Elementary School K-Kids club over the past two years is $944.80.

School Principal Victoria Reed indicated in a letter to the Fund that this would be an annual fundraiser for the club from their desire to help out with something civic and having to do with local community service.

The Kiwanis Club sponsored K-Kids is a service organization for elementary students worldwide for grades 1 through 5.

Highland is a K-2 school and has a group of about 60 first and second graders that meet once a month under the supervision of Principal Victoria Reed and several of the school’s teachers.

My personal thanks for their consideration and my sentiment of their efforts continues from my thoughts last year when they honored us with their donation.

In the day and age of “kids today are spoiled” commentary on the whole (without considering the individual) we see an entire group of students learning the true meaning of teamwork, responsibility and civic minded efforts that give back to the community as a whole.

What a wonderful example they set for their peers and at such an early age; one could only hope that it flourishes and grows rather than fades away over time. I hope they inspire their friends in other Wallingford schools to lead, as well.

Not follow – lead. We have plenty of followers; we need more leaders.

Duty and responsibility are a part of life and that is something these kids are already learning.

Perhaps a little of this might rub off on some the adults in the community that have gotten hard skinned over the years about engaging as part of the community. One could always hope. I would be satisfied enough if this next generation simply goes on setting its example without being tainted by the prior one.

So to the classes of 2022, 2023 and 2024: I tip my hat to you – you’re off to a great start. Show us all up and become the citizens we all should be; continue to make us proud. Someday, when you’re grown up and are asked “how did you ever become so civic minded and such a diverse leader?” you can respond, “I grew up in Wallingford, Connecticut, where I learned from great examples and had some of the best teachers in the world.”

Monday, July 2, 2012

July 4 celebration and bell ringing

While not specifically something regarding the Wallingford Fireworks Fund itself or the Independence Day Fireworks display I did want to publicize this additional 4th of July event that is taking place in town.

The Wallingford Historical Society will celebrate July 4 at the Samuel Parsons house, 180 South Main St. At 1:30 p.m.

Guests will gather around the bells to hear the Governor’s Proclamation being read, talk about what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence, recite the Pledge of Allegiance, and sing the Star Spangled Banner.

At 2 p.m. the Old Town Hall bell and 3 other school bells will be rung. Guests may bring a picnic lunch and chairs any time after 12 p.m. and gather in the backyard.

Contact Ray Chappell at (203) 265-0313 for information.

Yalesville Elementary School students make donation to the Wallingford Fireworks Fund

Last week we received a couple of donations from Yalesville Elementary School.

Grade three collected funds for the fireworks and two girls from grade four – Alexa and Brooke set up a “water balloon and kids tattoo stand”; their effort raised $22.00.

All total the full donation was $157.74.

We really appreciate the thoughtfulness; these students could have collected money for any cause and they chose us – we are honored.

Thank you Yalesville Elementary School students for choosing our civic cause. Your donation has been set aside as part of the collection effort for 2013.

We hope you enjoy the 2012 show!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Connecticut Fireworks Displays for 2012

Connecticut Fireworks Displays for 2012

by Harriman Real Estate on June 28, 2012
Connecticut Fireworks Displays for 2012

Happy 4th of July

The Fourth of July holiday is once again right around the corner, so we are pleased to provide this list of upcoming public fireworks around the state. All dates and time are as accurate as possible; for further information or confirmation of dates and times, please contact the appropriate city or town government:

Broadbrook: Friday, June 29, 9 p.m. on Main Street. No rain date.

Bridgeport: Friday, June 29, Barnum Festival at Seaside Park in Marina Park Circle. Tuesday, July 3, Bridgeport Bluefish stadium, after the game. Rain date is July 14.

Cheshire: Wednesday, July 4, 9:30 p.m. at Kurtz Farms. Rain date is Thursday, July 5

Coventry: Saturday, June 30, Coventry Lake at Patriots Park, 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Rain date is Sun. July 1

Danbury: Saturday, June 30, begins 9:15 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Island at Candlewood Lake, Rain date is Sunday, July 1. Tuesday, July 3, 9:30 p.m., Danbury Municipal Airport. Rain date is July 5.

Danielson: Friday, June 29, dusk on Owen Bell Park Road. There is no rain date.

Darien: Sunday, July 1, dusk, Darien High School. Rain date is Wednesday, July 3. Tuesday, July 3, 9 p.m., Woodway Country Club grounds. Rain date is July 5.

Derby: Tuesday, July 3, 9 p.m. at the Greenway Trail along the Housatonic River.  Rain date is Thursday, July 5

East Hartford: Saturday, July 7, 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., Great River Park and Founders Plaza. Entertainment and activities from 4 p.m. Fireworks at 9 p.m. Rain date is Sunday, July 8

East Haven: Saturday, June 30, East Haven Beach. Starts at noon. Music and food before the fireworks. Rain date is July 2

Enfield: Sunday, July 8, 9:45 p.m. at the Enfield town green. No rain date

Fairfield: Wednesday, July 4, 9:15 p.m. at Jennings Beach. Rain date is Thursday, July 5

Farmington: Friday, July 13, 9:30 p.m., Union School in the back fields at 173 School Street. Rain date is Saturday, July 14.

Greenwich: Saturday, June 30, 9:15 p.m. Stanwich Country Club. Rain date is July 1. Saturday, July 7, 9 p.m., Tamarack Country Club. Rain date is Sunday, July 8. Tuesday, July 3, 9:30 p.m., Round Hill Club Grounds. Rain date is July 5.

Groton Town: Saturday, July 7, 9:30 p.m., Fort Griswold State Park. Rain date is Sunday, July 8

Guilford: Saturday, July 14, 9:25 p.m., Guilford Fairgrounds, Lover’s Lane. Rain Date is Sunday, July 15

Hamden: Friday, June 29, 9 p m.,  Town Center Park at Meadowbrook

Hartford: Saturday, July 7, 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., Mortensen Riverfront Plaza. Entertainment and activities from 4 p.m. Fireworks at 9 p.m. Rain date is Sunday, July 8

Kent: Wednesday, July 4, 9:30 p.m., 65 Kenmont Road. Rain date is Saturday, July 7

Lakeville: Saturday, June 30, 9:30 p.m. 60 White Hollow Road. Rain date is Sunday, July 1

Madison: Wednesday, July 4,at 9:15 p.m., West Wharf Beach

Manchester: Saturday, July 7, 9:30 p.m., Manchester Community College. Rain date is Sun. July 8

Fireworks 2 

Meriden: Thursday, July 5th, 5:30 p.m., at Hubbard Park

Milford: Tuesday, July 3 at 9 p.m., Westfield Connecticut Post Mall

Mystic: Saturday, July 7, 9 p.m., Masons Island Yacht Club, 7 Yacht Club Drive. No rain date.

Naugatuck: Wednesday, July 4, 9 p.m., Naugatuck High School. Rain date is Thursday, July 5

New Britain: Tuesday, July 3, New Britain Stadium. Fireworks begin at 7:05 p.m. or after the Rockcats game;  Wednesday, July 4, 9 p.m., Stanley Quarter Park. Rain date is Thursday, July 5

New Canaan: Wednesday, July 4, 9:15 p.m., Waveny Park. Rain date is Thursday, July 5

New Haven: Wednesday, July 4, at 9:30 p.m., East Rock Park, Public viewing locations:
  • Blake Field at 1080 State Street (parking at Blake Rink/Mitchell Drive Lots)
  • Wilbur Cross High School football stadium on Mitchell Drive (parking at Wilbur Cross High School and ancillary Mitchell Drive lots)
  • College Woods Interior on Mitchell Drive/Cold Spring Road/Livingston Street (limited street parking as allowed)
  • Rice Field on English Drive off View Street (pedestrian access only)
New Milford: Saturday, July 7, 9:15 p.m., Still Meadow. Rain date is Sunday, July 8

North Branford: Weekend of Aug. 3-5, North Branford Potato & Corn Festival, North Branford: Augur Farm, 298 Forest Road. Specific date and time to be announced.

Orange: Saturday, July 7, 9:15 p.m., Orange Fairgrounds. Rain date is Sunday, July 8; Aug. 3, 10:30 p.m. at the Orange Fairgrounds, 525 Orange Center Road; Aug. 4, 10:45 p.m., Orange Fairgrounds

Oxford: Friday, June 29, 9:45 p.m., Great Oak High School. Rain date is Saturday, June 30

Portland: Saturday, July 7, 9 p.m., Portland Fairgrounds. Rain date is Sunday, July 8

Fireworks 3 

Putnam: Sunday, July 1, 9:15 p.m., behind the police and fires stations. Rain date is Saturday, July 7

Ridgefield: Saturday, June 30, 9 p.m., Silver Spring Country Club. Rain date is Sunday, July 1

Ridgefield: Wednesday, July 4, 9 p.m., Ridgefield High School. Rain date is Saturday, July 7

Simsbury: Friday, June 29, 9 p.m., Simsbury Performing Arts Center, 22 Ironhouse Boulevard. Rain date is Saturday, June 30

Stafford Springs: Friday, July 6, 9 p.m., Stafford Motor Speedway. Rain date is Friday, July 13

Stamford: Saturday, June 30, 9:30 p.m., Rockrimmon Country Club. Rain date is Sunday, July 1

Wallingford: Saturday, July 7th, 5:00 p.m. to 10:45 p.m., Mark T. Sheehan High School

Warren: Wednesday, July 4, 9:30 p.m., 108 North Shore Road. Rain date is Thursday, July 5

Washington: Wednesday, July 4, 9:30 p.m. at the field behind the local high school. Rain date is Thursday, July 5

West Hartford: Thursday, June 28, 9:15 p.m., The Hartford Golf Club. No rain date

West Haven: Tuesday, July 3, at 9 p.m., Bradley Point Park,along the beach

Westport: Tuesday, July 3, 9:15 p.m., barge off Compo Beach. Rain date is Thursday, July 5

Here are the communities that, at press time, are NOT holding public fireworks displays:
  • Avon
  • Berlin
  • Bristol
  • Brookfield
  • Canton
  • Clinton
  • Cromwell
  • East Hampton
  • East Windsor
  • Easton
  • Ellington
  • Granby
As always, Harriman Real Estate LLC wishes our friends, family, customers and clients a safe and happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!

Read more:

© Harriman Real Estate LLC 2010

NEXT WEEK - Campus at Greenhill Wallingford Fireworks Fund 2012 Independence Day Celebration

Saturday, July 7, 2012
5:00pm until 10:45pm

Sheehan High School
Wallingford, Connecticut

On the grounds of Sheehan High School beginning after 5PM (show itself starts at dusk - around 9:15 or so).

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

The long range forecast looks good! Keep your fingers crossed

Saturday, July 7, 2012 
5:00pm until 10:45pm

Sheehan High School 
Wallingford, Connecticut

On the grounds of Sheehan High School beginning after 5PM 
(show itself starts at dusk - around 9:15 or so).

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

REMINDER - Campus at Greenhill Wallingford Fireworks Fund 2012 Independence Day Celebration

Saturday, July 7, 2012
5:00pm until 10:45pm

Sheehan High School
Wallingford, Connecticut

On the grounds of Sheehan High School beginning after 5PM (show itself starts at dusk - around 9:15 or so).

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Letter to the editor today in the Record Journal regarding Independence Day

Letter to the editor today Friday June 22, 2012, in the Record Journal

July 4th

Editor: So many soldiers living on the street, their spirits broken with defeat. What must they think when they look around, with every passerby looking at the ground? Does anger fill them when we turn away, from debts we owe that should be repaid? What if at that moment, just once, instead we salute in honor, right hand to head, to let them know they are not a ghost, thanking them for being braver then most. If everyone would show them grace, we just might find their pain erased, for all the heroes still fighting to live and from heroes like you who continue to give. If you see someone who is really lost, please stop and remember what our freedom has cost.

Remember, as we have our cookouts and picnics, why we have this special day — it is called Independence Day!

Thank a veteran and all service men and women for their service to keep us free.


Campus at Greenhill Wallingford Fireworks Fund 2012 Independence Day Celebration

Saturday, July 7, 2012
5:00pm until 10:45pm

Sheehan High School
Wallingford, Connecticut

On the grounds of Sheehan High School beginning after 5PM (show itself starts at dusk - around 9:15 or so).

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Saturday, June 9, 2012



SUNDAY June 10th 2012


Sign-ups for the Tournament - $20.00 / participant

Family Outing only (Starts at Noon)

$10.00 / person - $5.00 for Children under 12

Lufbury Park – Cheshire Road Wallingford

Hot dogs / Hamburgers - Door prizes / raffle

For more information, please contact:
Steve Murray - (203) 500-5502

You can also visit our blog

Please make checks out to: “Wallingford Fireworks Fund” and send to:

Wallingford Fireworks Fund
c/o Jason Zandri
35 Lincoln Drive EXT
Wallingford, CT 06492

Thursday, June 7, 2012



SUNDAY June 10th 2012


Sign-ups for the Tournament - $20.00 / participant

Family Outing only (Starts at Noon)

$10.00 / person - $5.00 for Children under 12

Lufbury Park – Cheshire Road Wallingford

Hot dogs / Hamburgers - Door prizes / raffle

For more information, please contact:
Steve Murray - (203) 500-5502

You can also visit our blog

Please make checks out to: “Wallingford Fireworks Fund” and send to:

Wallingford Fireworks Fund
c/o Jason Zandri
35 Lincoln Drive EXT
Wallingford, CT 06492

Monday, June 4, 2012



SUNDAY June 10th 2012


Sign-ups for the Tournament - $20.00 / participant

Family Outing only (Starts at Noon)

$10.00 / person - $5.00 for Children under 12

Lufbury Park – Cheshire Road Wallingford

Hot dogs / Hamburgers - Door prizes / raffle

For more information, please contact:
Steve Murray - (203) 500-5502

You can also visit our blog

Please make checks out to: “Wallingford Fireworks Fund” and send to:

Wallingford Fireworks Fund
c/o Jason Zandri
35 Lincoln Drive EXT
Wallingford, CT 06492

Friday, May 25, 2012

Success at the FAMILY DINNER FUNDRAISER - $2,209.00 raised

I want to again thank everyone that supported the Campus at Greenhill / Wallingford Fireworks Fund Family Dinner Fundraiser that was held last night at Zandri's Stillwood Inn

Because of your support we raised an additional $2,209.00.

As you may be aware, we hit our goal of $30,000.00 earlier in the week, due in large part to the donations made by The Gale Group and Campus at Greenhill and that the check for the fireworks show and all the associated costs to the town (Police, Fire, Public Works overtime, etc) have been paid.

These funds collected last night will go to set the foundation for the 2013 celebration.

The next event we are going to be holding to raise funds to kick-start the 2013 effort will be the Disc Golf Tournament and Family Outing which will be held at Lufbury Park, on Cheshire Road here in Wallingford on Sunday June 10, 2012.

I will follow up with all those details in a future post (for those of you that do not have Facebook which is where that link above goes).

In the meantime - thank you Wallingford for helping me to save our Independence Day Celebration; I could not do it without you!

Thursday, May 24, 2012







We are a registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization; our tax id# is 27-2576599

Family Style Baked Chicken, Ziti and Meatballs, Tossed Salad, Italian Bread with a Cash Bar

Door prizes / raffle


For more information, please contact:

Jason Zandri - (203) 294-4647 -

or visit our blog

Please make checks out to: “Wallingford Fireworks Fund” and send to: Wallingford Fireworks Fund, c/o Jason Zandri,

35 Lincoln Drive EXT, Wallingford, CT 06492

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

LAST WEEK FOR THE EFFORT: Ron's Shear Creations Fireworks Fundraiser

This is the last week for the ongoing fundraiser at Ron's Shear Creations.

Ron's Shear Creations is hosting a Fundraiser for the Wallingford Fireworks Fund at their shop at 624 South Colony Road in Wallingford.

Beginning on May 14th and continuing through May 29th they are supporting the Wallingford Fireworks Fund by donating $2 for every hair cut.

Whether you’re an existing customer, looking for a new place to try out or just in the need of a haircut please consider stopping by.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Join us at the Wallingford Town Council meeting as we make our donation to the town for the 2012 CAMPUS AT GREENHILL WALLINGFORD FIREWORKS FUND celebration

Well everyone – a full spring of hard work has paid off.

We reached our goal of collecting $30,000.00 for the 2012 celebration a full week early – thanks in large part to Campus at Greenhill and their $10,000.00 Naming Convention Sponsorship to the celebration as well as their $5,000.00 matching grant to donations over the month of April.

At the same time, we couldn’t have gotten here without every donation that came in one dollar at a time from everyday folks as well as the businesses that took ads in our 2012 program guide.

The donations from Campus at Greenhill, while large and deeply appreciated, were not enough on their own to restore the 2012 event.

The donations from local people and those far and wide (I’ve received donations from individuals that live in West Hartford, Berlin, Meriden, Glastonbury, New York City as well as Fort Myers Beach, Florida) all by themselves were needed but also not enough to save the 2012 event.

The generous efforts and courtesies of business like Dunkin Donuts of Wallingford, which allow us to stand and collect for two months and gather over $5,000.00 from their customers is also appreciated but again – not enough all by itself to save the event.

The dedication of the few volunteers (very few – we need more help for 2013, pretty please) is invaluable, especially the work done by the Ricci family in helping get the group together to do a 5,000 piece literature drop over the past couple of weeks (in between the raindrops).

The small fundraising committee that got together this year was also helpful and I am looking forward to engaging with them over the remainder of the year as we do other things to benefit the 2013 event. As before, I want to see that committee grow as well.

Geno Zandri 2009I would be remiss to not express my thanks to my father Geno Zandri Jr who actually spent more time collecting donations this year than I could. With my work in NYC and duties on the Council this year I simply ran out of bandwidth to do anymore than I did. 

Thanks Dad – couldn’t have gotten it done without your help.



I also need to thank my kids, who basically lose their Dad for about twelve weeks every year to this effort.

Little ones, this year you are home for the summer; you’ll get to see what all the excitement is about on July 7th as we celebrate the nation’s birthday. I hope you’ll be infected by my passion for our country someday but if not to that degree I hope you will learn to appreciate mine.

There are many others that help out in small ways and I know I can’t mention everyone by name nor remember all the things they’ve done but I appreciate their efforts, consideration and generosity all the same.

Most of all, I want to remind everyone now for 2013 and beyond, this show will most likely NEVER be paid for by the town again out of taxes at least as long as the current administration is in place and / or if future administrations are in agreement to this thought process.

I will always insist that the Town should at least partner in this effort and cover the expenses of the Town services like the police and fire department overtime costs that run about half the cost of the entire show.

Right now the Fund covers everything and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Having said that – if we the people want to have this event take place each year, we are going to have to keep donating to the cause; lest we find ourselves like so many other communities that have lost their celebrations to cost cutting efforts that effectively send no real tangible savings back to the taxpayer. (The full cost of the 4th of July celebration in Wallingford sets the average household back no more than three dollars in taxes.)

“We the people” need to remember, we can do anything and will continue to do so.

Don’t let anyone tell you anything differently and when they try to convince you that you cannot fight “city hall” invite them to sit with you during the Wallingford Independence Day celebration for 2012 and tell them “we’ve saved this show three times now.”

With your continued help we will do so, forevermore.







We are a registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization; our tax id# is 27-2576599

Family Style Baked Chicken, Ziti and Meatballs, Tossed Salad, Italian Bread with a Cash Bar

Door prizes / raffle


For more information, please contact:

Jason Zandri - (203) 294-4647 -

or visit our blog

Please make checks out to: “Wallingford Fireworks Fund” and send to: Wallingford Fireworks Fund, c/o Jason Zandri,

35 Lincoln Drive EXT, Wallingford, CT 06492

Thursday, May 17, 2012

One week from the Dinner Fundraiser and we stand at $29.444.10 collected

The Family Dinner Fundraiser is on Thursday May 24th and we are about $555.00 away from our $30,000.00 2012 fundraising campaign goal.

You can make the difference right now and help to take us over the top.

You can make your donations payable to the Wallingford Fireworks Fund and mail them in to us: 

Wallingford Fireworks Fund
c/o Jason Zandri
35 Lincoln Drive EXT
Wallingford, CT 06492

As always, if anyone has any questions of me please feel free to reach out by calling 860 614 6069 or via email at

REMINDER: Ron's Shear Creations Fireworks Fundraiser

Just a quick reminder - Ron's Shear Creations is hosting a Fundraiser for the Wallingford Fireworks Fund at their shop at 624 South Colony Road in Wallingford.

Beginning on May 14th and continuing through May 29th they are supporting the Wallingford Fireworks Fund by donating $2 for every hair cut.

Whether you’re an existing customer, looking for a new place to try out or just in the need of a haircut please consider stopping by.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Less than 10 days to go and we stand at $28.807.10 collected

The Family Dinner Fundraiser is on Thursday May 24th and we are about $1,190.00 away from our $30,000.00 2012 fundraising campaign goal.

You can make the difference right now and help to take us over the top.

You can make your donations payable to the Wallingford Fireworks Fund and mail them in to us:

Wallingford Fireworks Fund
c/o Jason Zandri

35 Lincoln Drive EXT
Wallingford, CT 06492

As always, if anyone has any questions of me please feel free to reach out by calling 860 614 6069 or via email at

Monday, May 14, 2012

Ron's Shear Creations Fireworks Fundraiser

Ron's Shear Creations is hosting a Fundraiser for the Wallingford Fireworks Fund at their shop at 624 South Colony Road in Wallingford.

Beginning on May 14th and continuing through May 29th they are supporting the Wallingford Fireworks Fund by donating $2 for every hair cut.

Whether you’re an existing customer, looking for a new place to try out or just in the need of a haircut please consider stopping by.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Will the R Band play at the town’s Fourth of July celebration?

At yesterday's Town Council meeting the 2012 - 2013 budget as amended by the Council was approved by a 6-3 vote. 

In it was a change to the Park and Recreation Department Budget.

The Park and Recreation Department requested funding and it was approved at the requested dollar amount by Mayor Dickinson.

By the time the budget discussions occurred, the Park and Recreation Department fine tuned their costs and a couple of items came in under budget so they brought the $6,000.00 saving to the Council to amend their budget.

Councilor Fishbein then made a motion to restore $5,000.00 of the $6,000.00 that they were requesting be removed. This was voted on by the nine councilors at the time (I do not remember how that vote went down specifically) and the motion was passed.

At last nights meeting Councilor Laffin made a motion to repeal that change. It failed 7-2 with only Councilor Cervoni supporting him.

What this means, provided Mayor Dickinson doesn't veto the budget, (and this was the ONLY change made to his original budget), is that the R Band will perform at the show at no additional cost to the Fund.

The town is expending no additional planned funds and they are still saving $1,000.00

The Fund's costs do not change as we never have been able to raise enough extra money to restore the R Band performance.

So at this point we are still working as before with raising the final $3,000.00 we need to reach our 2012 fundraising goal of $30,000.00

Wednesday, May 2, 2012









We are a registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization; our tax id# is 27-2576599

Family Style Baked Chicken, Ziti and Meatballs, Tossed Salad, Italian Bread with a Cash Bar

Door prizes / raffle


All advertisements are black and white

• Full page ad (5 x 8) – $250.00

• 1/2 page ad (5 x 4) – $150.00

• 1/4 page ad (2.5 x 4) – $80.00


• Personal dedication page – 300 characters (three lines) – $30.00

• Personal dedication page – 200 characters (two lines) – $20.00

For more information, please contact Jason Zandri - (860) 614-6069

Please make checks out to: “Wallingford Fireworks Fund” and send to:

Fireworks Fund
c/o Jason Zandri
35 Lincoln Drive EXT
Wallingford, CT 06492

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Collection totals for the week ending April 28th (and including Sunday the 29th) Campus at Greenhill 2012 Wallingford Fireworks Celebration - Wallingford Fireworks Fund

Hi Gang – tomorrow is the ending date for the full match of $5,000.00 as offered from Campus at Greenhill.

The final $1,509.00 needs to be collected by the end of the day tomorrow to qualify for the whole match.

As of today’s collections at Holy Trinity Church, which netted us $262.00, we are just $60.00 short.

I am guessing that in the mail tomorrow we will make the number. I’ve been getting about $50.00 a day on average for checks mailed to me so as long as we have a high day we should be golden.

Presuming the full match in total and all the deposits on hand, we will enter May needing to raise just $5,000.00 dollars to reach our goal of $30,000.00 by the May 25th deadline.

I will keep you posted and update you at the end of the day on Monday (I’ll try to do it before I go to the Wallingford Town Council Budget meeting). 

$322.00 more to go; two days left to get there for the April Matching Campaign from Campus at Greenhill


With just this morning's collections remaining (plus whatever arrives in the mail on Monday) we are pretty close to coming in with the final $1,509.00 to get the full match of $5,000.00 From Campus at Greenhill

We have collected $1,187.00 this past week and we need just $322.00 more.

I know we can do it.

I will be a Holy Trinity Church this morning with Barbara Kapi from 9:30AM to around 12:30PM or so.

If we get the match in full (as I believe we can) we will need just about $5,000.00 more over the month of May to make our $30,000.00 fundraising goal for the 2012 event.

We need additional help from people that can spend a couple of hours in the morning, or really any time, standing around collecting as we enter the final month of fundraising in May.

If you can help out please let me know.

You can make your donations payable to the Wallingford Fireworks Fund and mail them in to us if you’re not going to be around this weekend:

Wallingford Fireworks Fund
c/o Jason Zandri

35 Lincoln Drive EXT
Wallingford, CT 06492

As always, if anyone has any questions of me please feel free to reach out by calling 860 614 6069 or via email at

Sunday Morning UPDATE - Fundraising for the final weekend in April for the Campus at Greenhill 2012 Wallingford Fireworks Celebration - Wallingford Fireworks Fund

Today is Sunday the 29th

I’ll be back at Holy Trinity this morning with Barbara Kapi from 9:30AM to around 12:30PM or so.

Today is the last day your donations are going to be backed by the additional pledge to donate matching funds for all citizen / private donations for the month up to $5,000.00 made by Campus at Greenhill.

Last week, the week ending April 21st, we collected $938.00. That plus the prior two weeks of collections of $2,553.00 means we are sitting at $3,491.00.

With just the weekend remaining we really need to come in with that final $1,509.00 to get the full match of $5,000.00

We need additional help from people that can spend a couple of hours in the morning, or really any time, standing around collecting as we enter the final month of fundraising in May.

If you can help out please let me know.

You can make your donations payable to the Wallingford Fireworks Fund and mail them in to us if you’re not going to be around this weekend:

Wallingford Fireworks Fund
c/o Jason Zandri

35 Lincoln Drive EXT
Wallingford, CT 06492

Please consider stopping by this morning if you can to drop off your donation – we need to have it on hand by the end of the day on Monday April 30th to have it count as part of the funds collected for the matching donation pledge.

As always, if anyone has any questions of me please feel free to reach out by calling 860 614 6069 or via email at

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday Afternoon UPDATE - Fundraising for the final weekend in April for the Campus at Greenhill 2012 Wallingford Fireworks Celebration - Wallingford Fireworks Fund

Today is Saturday the 28th – I will be out front of Holy Trinity Church starting at about 4:30PM this afternoon for an hour or so with Barbara Kapi from the fundraising committee collecting your donations.

On Sunday the 29th I’ll be back at Holy Trinity with Barbara from 9:30AM to around 12:30PM or so.

These collection efforts this weekend are going to be backed by the additional pledge to donate matching funds for all citizen / private donations for the month up to $5,000.00 made by Campus at Greenhill.

Last week, the week ending April 21st, we collected $938.00. That plus the prior two weeks of collections of $2,553.00 means we are sitting at $3,491.00.

With just the weekend remaining we really need to come in with that final $1,509.00 to get the full match of $5,000.00

We need additional help from people that can spend a couple of hours in the morning, or really any time, standing around collecting.

If you can help out please let me know.

You can make your donations payable to the Wallingford Fireworks Fund and mail them in to us if you’re not going to be around this weekend:

Wallingford Fireworks Fund
c/o Jason Zandri

35 Lincoln Drive EXT
Wallingford, CT 06492

Please consider stopping by this weekend if you can to drop off your donation – we need to have it on hand by the end of the day on Monday April 30th to have it count as part of the funds collected for the matching donation pledge.

Anything mailed on Saturday may not reach us in time.

As always, if anyone has any questions of me please feel free to reach out by calling 860 614 6069 or via email at

Saturday Morning UPDATE - Fundraising for the final weekend in April for the Campus at Greenhill 2012 Wallingford Fireworks Celebration - Wallingford Fireworks Fund

Hey gang today is Saturday the 28th – I am going to be at the Wallingford Landfill from 8AM to about noon or so and then I will be out front of Holy Trinity Church starting at about 4:30PM for an hour or so with Barbara Kapi from the fundraising committee collecting your donations.

On Sunday the 29th I’ll be back at Holy Trinity with Barbara from 9:30AM to around 12:30PM or so.

These collection efforts this weekend are going to be backed by the additional pledge to donate matching funds for all citizen / private donations for the month up to $5,000.00 made by Campus at Greenhill.

Last week, the week ending April 21st, we collected $938.00. That plus the prior two weeks of collections of $2,553.00 means we are sitting at $3,491.00.

With just the weekend remaining we really need to come in with that final $1,509.00 to get the full match of $5,000.00

We need additional help from people that can spend a couple of hours in the morning, or really any time, standing around collecting.

If you can help out please let me know.

You can make your donations payable to the Wallingford Fireworks Fund and mail them in to us if you’re not going to be around this weekend:

Wallingford Fireworks Fund
c/o Jason Zandri

35 Lincoln Drive EXT
Wallingford, CT 06492

As always, if anyone has any questions of me please feel free to reach out by calling 860 614 6069 or via email at

Friday, April 27, 2012

Fundraising for the final weekend in April for the Campus at Greenhill 2012 Wallingford Fireworks Celebration - Wallingford Fireworks Fund

Hey gang today is Friday the 27th of April and we have a couple of volunteers that are at the Yalesville Dunkin Donuts right now (from 2:30PM to around 5PM / 5:30PM or so); if you’re interested in supporting our cause please consider stopping by today.

Tomorrow – Saturday the 28th – I am going to be at the Wallingford Landfill from 8AM to about noon or so and then I will be out front of Holy Trinity Church starting at about 4:30PM for an hour or so with Barbara Kapi from the fundraising committee collecting your donations.

On Sunday the 29th I’ll be back at Holy Trinity with Barbara from 9:30AM to around 12:30PM or so.

These collection efforts this weekend are going to be backed by the additional pledge to donate matching funds for all citizen / private donations for the month up to $5,000.00 made by Campus at Greenhill.

Last week, the week ending April 21st, we collected $938.00. That plus the prior two weeks of collections of $2,553.00 means we are sitting at $3,491.00.

With just the weekend remaining we really need to come in with that final $1,509.00 to get the full match of $5,000.00

We need additional help from people that can spend a couple of hours in the morning, or really any time, standing around collecting.

If you can help out please let me know.

You can make your donations payable to the Wallingford Fireworks Fund and mail them in to us if you’re not going to be around this weekend:

Wallingford Fireworks Fund
c/o Jason Zandri

35 Lincoln Drive EXT
Wallingford, CT 06492

As always, if anyone has any questions of me please feel free to reach out by calling 860 614 6069 or via email at

Fundraising on Friday April 27th for the Campus at Greenhill 2012 Wallingford Fireworks Celebration - Wallingford Fireworks Fund

Hey gang – we have a couple of volunteers that are again supposed to be at the Yalesville Dunkin Donuts from 2:30PM to around 5PM / 5:30PM or so; if you’re interested in supporting our cause please consider stopping by today.

There are just three days left now to the additional pledge to donate matching funds for all citizen / private donations for the month up to $5,000.00 made by Campus at Greenhill.

Last week, the week ending April 21st, we collected $938.00. That plus the prior two weeks of collections of $2,553.00 means we are sitting at $3,491.00.

With just the days remaining we really need to come in with that final $1,509.00 to get the full match of $5,000.00

We need additional help from people that can spend a couple of hours in the morning, or really any time, standing around collecting.

If you can help out please let me know.

Also – as was mentioned, if you were planning to make a donation, April is the month to do it as it is worth twice as much under the matching grant.

You can make your donations payable to the Wallingford Fireworks Fund and mail them in to:

Wallingford Fireworks Fund
c/o Jason Zandri

35 Lincoln Drive EXT
Wallingford, CT 06492

As always, if anyone has any questions of me please feel free to reach out by calling 860 614 6069 or via email at

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fundraising on Thursday April 26th for the Campus at Greenhill 2012 Wallingford Fireworks Celebration - Wallingford Fireworks Fund

Hey gang – we have a couple of volunteers that are supposed to be at the Yalesville Dunkin Donuts from 2:30PM to around 5PM / 5:30PM or so; if you’re interested in supporting our cause please consider stopping by today.

There are just four days left to the additional pledge to donate matching funds for all citizen / private donations for the month up to $5,000.00 made by Campus at Greenhill.

Last week, the week ending April 21st, we collected $938.00. That plus the prior two weeks of collections of $2,553.00 means we are sitting at $3,491.00.

With just four days left we really need to come in with that final $1,509.00 to get the full match of $5,000.00

We need additional help from people that can spend a couple of hours in the morning, or really any time, standing around collecting.

If you can help out please let me know.

Also – if you were planning to make a donation, April is the month to do it as it is worth twice as much under the matching grant.

You can make your donations payable to the Wallingford Fireworks Fund and mail them in to:

Wallingford Fireworks Fund
c/o Jason Zandri

35 Lincoln Drive EXT
Wallingford, CT 06492

As always, if anyone has any questions of me please feel free to reach out by calling 860 614 6069 or via email at

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Collection totals for the week ending April 21st Campus at Greenhill 2012 Wallingford Fireworks Celebration - Wallingford Fireworks Fund


We have formally wrapped up week number three of the matching donation effort from the Campus at Greenhill and there are just six days remaining.

In March, Campus at Greenhill became the Fireworks Fund naming convention sponsor by making a $10,000.00 donation to the effort. 

Last week, the week ending April 21st, we collected $938.00. That plus the prior two weeks of collections of $2,553.00 means we are sitting at $3,491.00.

With just six days left we really need to come in with that final $1,509.00 to get the full match of $5,000.00
This last week of April is going to be tough; my father will be away for vacation at the end of the week; that leaves us with just me collecting on Saturday mornings.

I have had a couple people come forward to offer to assist later this week so I am hoping that with that support we can drag in the last of those donations for the full match.

We need additional help from people that can spend a couple of hours in the morning, or really any time, standing around collecting.

If you can help out please let me know. 

Also – if you were planning to make a donation, April is the month to do it as it is worth twice as much under the matching grant.

You can make your donations payable to the Wallingford Fireworks Fund and mail them in to: 

Wallingford Fireworks Fund
c/o Jason Zandri

35 Lincoln Drive EXT
Wallingford, CT 06492

As always, if anyone has any questions of me please feel free to reach out by calling 860 614 6069 or via email at